
Teacher Consultations Autumn 2023

Autumn term Parent/Carer Teacher consultations - Appointment Booking

Once again, we are using TES SchoolCloud, the online booking system for appointments. Please note that the meetings are in person, in school, and are 10 minutes per child. 

The evenings run from 15:40-18:30 and there are two dates are available for each year group in Years 1 - 6:
Tuesday 17th October and Thursday 19th October

Appointment booking is open from Tuesday 10th October at 7pm until Monday 16th October at 11pm.
Click here to book your appointment.
To login, you must enter the following information exactly as provided to the school:

Parent’s title (e.g. Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr)
Parent’s Surname
Parent’s email address
Pupil’s Name and Date of Birth
It's possible to log in ahead of the booking system opening to check the details we hold for you are correct.
Below is a guide for booking or editing appointments. 

If you still need assistance, please email office@st-marys.poole.sch.uk or call the school on 01202 676207.