
Spring Concert 2023

The Spring Concert 2023 was a wonderful evening, showcasing the talents of our St. Mary’s pupils. Our Year 1 & 2 pupils wowed us with recorder and singing performances; whilst our pupils in Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 performed in many different groups and solos. We ended the evening with a song called ‘One Little Voice’ featuring many brilliant solo performances.

Thank you to all the pupils and their families for attending and generously donating to our final collection.


We raised £125.02 for CAFOD’s Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal!


Thank you for the wonderful feedback from our parents and carers!
"Another amazing celebration of all things musical last week! The children were fabulous and there was a real lovely buzz of excitement and happiness in the church. We really appreciate these events where we can enjoy everything that the children have been doing at school. Special thanks to all the staff who make these evenings possible by giving up their spare time in and out of school hours."