
CAST Academy Trust

St Mary's is part of the Plymouth CAST (‘Catholic and Anglican Schools Trust’), a Multi Academy Trust set up by the Diocese of Plymouth to create a secure environment for its partner schools to achieve their academic and pastoral objectives through collaboration and support for one another and to further develop Catholic ethos and values. Plymouth CAST comprises 35 schools working in partnership across Cornwall, Devon and Dorset, making it the largest Multi-Academy Trust of its type in the country. Together CAST employs 1300 staff and provides for 8,000 pupils.

The formation of CAST did not represent a change in direction for its schools and our fundamental mission continues to be derived from the wider mission of the Catholic Church. It was, however, decided that the change of legal status enhanced capacity to fulfil our shared mission.

Further information about CAST can be found on the Plymouth CAST website

Plymouth CAST Support Office can be contacted via: 
Edmund Rice Building, St Boniface College
21 Boniface Lane
Manadon Park
Plymouth, Devon.
Company Registration Number:  08438686
Rgistered in England
Executive Officer: Tina Parkes
Telephone: 01752 686710