
School Meals

Please note: Prices from September 2022 for school lunches are £2.60 per day. There has been no price increase since.
We use a company called Renowned Catering to provide the meals. 

As you may be aware children in Foundation, Years 1 and 2 are provided with a Universal Free School Meal. Please use your child’s SCOPAY account to select the hot meal choices. The menu is available to view below, there is a good variety of food on offer, including vegeterian options. Meals for children in these year groups are free to order. Meals for children in KS2 can also be ordered and paid for via SCOPAY. If your child is entitled to FSM this will be flagged on the system and no payment will be required.
Are you eligible for free school meals?  If you are, you may be entitled to other items such as reductions on the cost of school trips. Please do not let the fact that your child in Years Foundation, 1 and 2 have a UIFSM stop you making an application for FSM, because the additional benefits that the funding brings to the school will help your child, for the whole time they are at St Mary’s, even if you do not take up the offer of a meal. Please contact the school office, in confidence, if you are unsure of your eligibility or see the link below:

Please ensure that you make your selection, and payment if applicable, on SCOPAY by the Monday of the week prior to requirement. If your child is due to go on a trip we will give you the option to change to a packed lunch.